Events for Dec. 4, 2013


Same class that has been offered in previous years.

World Aids Day: Free HIV Testing
World Aids Day: Free HIV Testing

As part of World Aids Day programming, there will be free HIV testing on December 4th. Please stay tuned for more information.

Thank you from ASCLUG
Thank you from ASCLUG

Come grab some hot cocoa and treats on your way to class, sponsored by ASCLUG!

Adopt a Family Drop Off Party
Adopt a Family Drop Off Party

Adopt a family in early November? Bring your gifts in for the Drop Off Party! Warm drinks, snacks, and Santa.

Bootcamp Fitness Class
Bootcamp Fitness Class

Want an intense workout? This is the class for it!

Un-a-salted Sex
Un-a-salted Sex

Discussion on sexual assault and resources available to students.


Same pilates class that has been offered in previous years.

3 on 3 Basketball
3 on 3 Basketball

Join your fellow CLU students and staff for 3 on 3 Basketball Wednesday nights in Soiland Gym!

Common Ground
Common Ground

Devotion led by Jimmy Carter
