Saturday Excursion: Santa Rosa Hike

Saturday Excursion: Santa Rosa Hike

Ventura County offers some of California's most beautiful beaches, mountains, creeks, and chaparral langscape. Join us Saturday, July 13th in experiencing a small portion of that impressive ecology.

Light breakfast will be provided at the meetup location (Flagpole) before we set out for the trail at 9:30am. Bring water, snacks, sunblock, and good shoes - we will be back on campus around lunchtime!

Trail Info: Santa Rosa Trail (5 miles, easy) - This hike offers great views of the Santa Rosa valley to CLU north and ends at a vantage point above Wildwood Park. Relatively flat and well-maintained, this hike is popular among CLU students and mountain bikers. Access the trailhead closest to campus at Briar Bluff Ct. at the end of the cul-de-sac.

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