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Psychology Through History Symposia 2013

"What does it mean to be human?"

Psychology Through History Symposia 2013

The graduate students from the History of Psychology 780 seminar will present their semester projects as part of the annual "CLU Psychology Through History Symposium."

Topics of the symposium include: a re-examination of the theories of the great legends of psychology (Kurt Lewin, Carl Jung, Lev Vygotsky, Solomon Asch, Mary Whiton Calkins, Martin Heidegger, Sir Francis Galton and others), the concept of "self," eugenics, hysteria and hypnotism, sexuality, gender identity, sports psychology, military psychology and other topics of importance to our understanding of human psychological functioning. Each presentation will explicitly address, from a psychological standpoint, the question: "What does it mean to be human?"

For more information or to receive a complete program schedule, please contact professor Diriwaechter at The symposium will be held at the CLU Oxnard Center, Room 104.

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Department of Psychology


Rainer Diriwaechter
