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Disability Awareness Week Keynote Speaker Linnaea Mallette

When she was only four years old, Linnaea Mallette lost most of her hearing due to a severe fever. This profound hearing loss has not stopped her from engaging with her community. In 2002, she received the Oticon Focus on People Award, which is given to 12 individuals nationwide who defy stereotypes of what it means to have a hearing loss. Mallette has been involved with several community programs, including serving as District Governor for Toastmasters in 2003-2004, beginning a club for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts at the Canoga Park Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center, and initiating a club for the Mary Magdalene Project in Los Angeles. Recently, Mattison, who is Training Coordinator in the Office of Research Administration at UCLA, received the Staff Assembly Scholarship Award for her e-learning endeavors.

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Wendy Perkins
