Grady Hanrahan, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry and Chair, Chemistry Department
(805) 493-3269
SSC 300
Grady Hanrahan is a Professor of Chemistry.
He received his Ph.D. in Environmental Analytical Chemistry from the University of Plymouth, England. With experience in directing undergraduate and graduate research, he has taught Analytical Chemistry at California State University, Los Angeles, and CLU.
His research interests span instrumentation design and development, chemometrics, computational neural networks, environmental analysis, and the use of swarm intelligence metaheuristics to model complex chemical and biological systems.
He has written or co-written numerous peer-reviewed technical papers and is the author or editor of five books detailing the use of chemical separation methods and computational modeling techniques.
- Ph.D., Environmental Analytical Chemistry, University of Plymouth, England, 2001
- Postdoctoral, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, 2002-2003
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Farfan, Jessica F.; Knox, Allan; and Hanrahan, Grady (2022) "Modeling the Oxidative Metabolic Breakdown of Ethanol and Its Effects on the Cardiovascular System," International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings: Vol. 14: Iss. 2, Article 115.
Ortega, M., Hanrahan, G., Arceo, M. and Gomez, F.A. (2015) Application of a Computational Neural Network to Optimize the Fluorescence Signal from a Receptor-Ligand Interaction on a Microfluidic Chip. Electrophoresis 36: 393-397.
Weber, A., Nguyen, H.T.H.; Hanrahan, G. (2014) Metabolic Pathway Elucidation Towards Time- and Dose-Dependent Electrophoretic Screening of Stable Oxidative Phenolic Compounds. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 406: 1447-1454.
Nguyen, H.T.H., Arceo, M., Weber, A.M., Springer, R.K., Hanrahan, G. (2013). Student-Assisted Research-Focused Experiential Learning in the Bioanalytical Chemistry Curriculum. American Chemical Society (ACS) Symposium Series: Teaching Bioanalytical Chemistry, Ch. 12: 245-259.
Page, T., Nguyen, H.T.H., Hilts, L., Ramos, L. Hanrahan, G. (2012) Biologically Driven Neural Platform Evoking Parallel Electrophoretic Separation and Urinary Metabolite Screening. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 403: 2367-2375.
Duarte, A., Stutsky, M., Hanrahan, G., Mello, C.M., Bazan, G.C. (2012) Supermolecular Electrostatic Nanoassemblies for Bacterial Forensics. Chemistry-A European Journal 18: 756-759.
Alvarado, J., Hanrahan, G., Nguyen, H.T., Gomez, F.A. (2012) Implementation of a Genetically Tuned Neural Platform in Optimizing Fluorescence from Receptor-Ligand Binding Interactions on Microchips. Electrophoresis 33: 2711-2717.
Hanrahan, G. (2011) Swarm Intelligence Metaheuristics for Enhanced Data Analysis and Optimization. Analyst 136:3587-3594.
Duarte, A., Chworos, A., Flagan, S., Hanrahan, G. and Bazan, G.C. (2010) Identification of Microorganisms by Using Conjugated Oligoelectrolytes/ssDNA Electrostatic Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) 132: 12562-12564.
Hanrahan, G. (2010) Computational Neural Networks Driving Complex Analytical Problem Solving, Analytical Chemistry 82: 4307-4313.
Jansen, M.A., Kiwata, J., Arceo, J., Faull, K.F., Hanrahan, G. and Porter, E. (2010) Evolving Neural Network Optimization of Choloesteryl Ester Separation by Reversed-Phase HPLC. Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 397: 2367-2371.
Pech, H., Henry, A., Hanrahan, G., Khachikian, C., Salmassi, T., Foster, K. (2009) Detection of Geothermal Phosphite Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Environmental Science & Technology 43: 7671-7675.
Riveros, T.A., Hanrahan, G., Muliadi, S., Arceo, J., Gomez, F.A. (2009) On-Capillary Derivatization Using a Hybrid Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm Approach, Analyst 134: 2067-2070.
Riveros, T.A., Porcasi, L., Muliadi, S., Hanrahan, G., Gomez, F.A. (2009) Application of Artificial Neural Networks in the Prediction of Product Distribution in Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis (EMMA), Electrophoresis 30: 2385-2389.
Hanrahan, G., Fan, T.K., Kantor, M., Clark, K., Cardenas, S., Guillaume, D.W., Khachikian, C.S. (2009) Design and development of an automated flow injection instrument for the determination of arsenic species in natural waters. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 104101.
Felhofer, J., Hanrahan, G. and Garcia, C.D. (2009) Multi versus Univariate Optimization of Separation Conditions by Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography: Analysis of Five Bisphenols. Talanta 77: 1172-1178.
Montes, R.E., Gomez, F.A. and Hanrahan, G. (2008) Response surface examination of the relationship between experimental conditions and product distribution in electrophoretically mediated microanalysis. Electrophoresis 29: 375-380.
Hanrahan, G., Gibani, S. and Miller, K. (2008) Multivariate Chemometrical Classification and Assessment of Lake Tuendae: a Mojave Desert Aquatic Environment Housing the Endangered Mojave Tui Chub. Ecological Informatics 3: 334-342.
Dahdouh, F.T., K. Clarke, Sagado, M., Hanrahan, G. and Gomez, F.A. (2008) Chemometrical Examination of Active Parameters and Interactions in Flow Injection-Capillary Electrophoresis (FI-CE). Electrophoresis 29: 3779-3785.
Montes, R. Hanrahan, G., Gomez, F.A. (2008) Use of chemometric methodology in optimizing conditions for competitive binding partial filling affinity capillary electrophoresis (PFACE). Electrophoresis 29, 3325-3332.
Montes, R.; Dahdouh, F.; Riveros, T.A.; Hanrahan, G.; Gomez, F.A. (2008) Chemometrical Experimental Design-Based Optimization Studies in Capillary Electrophoresis Applications. LC-GC, 26, 82-88.
Gonzalez, A., Foster, K.L., Hanrahan, G. (2007) Method Development and Validation for Optimized Separation of Benzo[a]pyrene-Quinone Isomers Using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Chemometric Response Surface Methodology. J. Chromatogr. A, 1167, 135-142.
Maltezos, G., Garcia, E., Hanrahan, G., Gomez, F.A., Vayawhare, S., van Dam, R.M., Chen, Y., Scherer, A. (2007) Design and Fabrication of Chemically Robust Three-Dimensional Microvalves. Lab on a Chip, 7, 1209-1211.
Hanrahan, G.; Garza, C.; Garcia, E.; Miller, K. (2007) Experimental Design and Response Surface Modeling: A Method Development Application for the Determination of Reduced Inorganic Species in Environmental Samples. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 9, 71-79.
Barco, R.A.; Patil, D.G.; Xu, W.; Ke, L.; Khachikian, C.S.; Hanrahan, G.; Salmassi, T.M. (2006) Development of Iodide-Based Methods for Batch and On-Line Determinations of Phosphite in Aqeous Samples. Talanta, 69, 1292-1299.
Hanrahan, G.; Lu, K. (2006) Factorial Design and Optimization Methodology: A Current Review. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 36, 141-151.
Worsfold, P.J.; Gimbert, L.; Mankasingh, U.; Ndukaku, O; Hanrahan, G; Gardolinkski, P,; Haygarth, P.; Turner, B.; Keith-Roach, M.; McKelvie, I. (2005) Sampling, Sample Treatment and Qaulity Assurance Issues for the Determination of Phosphorous Species in Environmental Matrices. Talanta, 66, 273-293.
Hanrahan, G.; Patil, D.; Wang, J. (2004) Electrochemical Sensors for Environmental Monitoring: Design, Development and Applications. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 6, 657-664.
Hanrahan, G., Gledhill, M., House, A. and Worsfold, P.J. (2003) Evaluation of Phosphorus Concentrations in Relation to Annual and Seasonal Physico-chemical Water Quality Parameters in a UK Chalk Stream. Water Res., 37, 3579-3589.
Hanrahan, G., Ussher, S., Gledhill, M., Achterberg, E.P. and Worsfold, P.J. (2002) High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Environmental Monitoring Using Flow-Injection Spectroscopic Detection. Trends Anal. Chem., 21 (4), 233-239.
Hanrahan, G., Gledhill, M., Fletcher, P.J. and Worsfold, P.J. (2001) High Temporal Resolution Field Monitoring of Phosphate in the River Frome Using Flow Injection Analysis with Diode Array Detection. Anal. Chim. Acta, 440, 55-62.
Hanrahan, G., Gledhill, M., House, W.A. and Worsfold, P.J. (2001) Phosphorus Loading in the Frome Catchment, UK: Seasonal Refinement of the Coefficient Modelling Approach. J. Environ. Quality, 30, 1738-1746.
Hanrahan, G. (2012) Key Concepts in Enviornmental Chemistry, Academic Press, Oxford, UK.
Hanrahan, G. (2011) Artificial Neural Networks in Biological and Environmental Analysis, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fl.
Hanrahan, G. and Gomez, F.A. -Editors (2010) Chemometric Methods in Capillary Electrophoresis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Hanrahan, G. - Editor (2009) Modelling of Pollutants in Complex Environmental Systems, ILM Publications, St. Albans, UK.
Hanrahan, G. - Editor (2010) Modelling of Pollutants in Complex Environmental Systems, Volume II, ILM Publications, St. Albans, UK.
Hanrahan, G. (2008) Environmental Chemometrics: Principles and Modern Applications, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fl.
Book Chapters and Related Works
Montes, R.; Riveros, T. A.; Dahdouh, F.; Hanrahan, G.; Gomez, F. A. (2009) Chemometrical Experimental Design-Based Optimization Studies in Capillary Electrophoresis Applications. In Chemometrics in Capillary Electrophoresis, Hanrahan, G. and Gomez, F. A. eds., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Worsfold, P.J., McKelvie, I.D., Hanrahan, G. (2008) Environmental Applications of Flow Injection Analysis – Waters, Sediments and Soils. In Advances in Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques (Eds. Kolev, S.D, McKelvie, I.D.), Elsevier.
Hanrahan, G., Udeh, F., Patil, D.G. (2005) Chemometrics/Multivariate Calibration Techniques, in Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, Second Edition (Paul J Worsfold, Alan Townshend and Colin F Poole, eds.), Elsevier, Oxford, Vol. 2, pp. 27-32.
Hanrahan, G., Zhu, J., Gibani, G, Patil, D.G. (2005) Chemometrics/Experimental Design, in Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, Second Edition (Paul J Worsfold, Alan Townshend and Colin F Poole, eds.), Elsevier, Oxford, Vol. 2, pp. 8-13.
Hanrahan, G., Gardolinski, P., Gledhill, M. and Worsfold, P.J. (2002) Environmental Monitoring of Nutrients. In Burden F., Forstner U., Guenther A. and McKelvie I. (Eds) Handbook of Environmental Monitoring. McGraw-Hill, New York, 8.1-8.16.
Grant Funding
John Stauffer Charitable Trust
Title: Student Research Fellows Program in the Chemical Sciences
Role:Project Lead
Amount and Funding Period: $500,000 (2013-Present (Endowed Fund))
Hugh and Hazel Darling Foundation
Title: Hugh and Hazel Darling Center for Applied Scientific Computing
Role: Project Lead
Amount and Funding Period: $250,000 (2012-2017)
California Wellness Foundation
Title: Measuring the Impact of Pesticide Exposure on Neurobehavioral Outcomes of Community Residents in Ventura County, California
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Haco Hoang)
Amount and Funding Period: $100,000 (2013-2014)
California Wellness Foundation
Title: Promoting Environmental Justice in Ventura County, California: Integrating Science into Civic Engagement
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Haco Hoang)
Amount and Funding Period: $150,000 (2011-2013)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Title: MRI: Acquisition of Multiplexed Absorbance Capillary Electrophoresis and Related Equipment for Biomedical and Environmental Research and Education
Role: Principal Investigator (with Dr. Dennis Revie)
Amount and Funding Period: $171,279 (2009-2012)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Title: EPA Undergraduate Student Fellowship Award
Role: Principal Investigator/Faculty Mentor
Amount and Funding Period: $46,000 (2009-2010)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Title: EPA 3P Award: Environmental Monitoring, Modeling and Assessment (EMMA): An Integrated Design for Evaluating Risk and Disparities in Residential Communities
Role: Principal Investigator/Faculty Mentor
Amount and Funding Period: $9,947 (2008-2009)
Pittsburgh Conference Memorial National College Grant
Title: Interdisciplinary Applications of Compact UV-Vis Spectrophotometers
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount and Funding Period: $10,000 (2008)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Title: CSULA: Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions (RIMI)
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Component 1 of larger grant award (Dr. Feimeng Zhou-PI))
Note: Left CSULA in 2007.
CSUPERB Biotechnology Curriculum Development & Infrastructure
Title: Development of Chemometric Strategies for Undergraduate Training in Biotechnology Research
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount and Funding Period: $10,833 (2004)