
Food is something we often don't spend much time thinking about, and yet it's central to our everyday lives. How often do you stop to ponder where your food comes from, how it's been produced, and what, really, is in it? Good health starts with healthy food, and healthy food contributes to sustainability. Here are some things to consider:

  • Eat more vegetables and less meat. The vast majority of the meat we eat comes from large industrial-scale farms, and is often transported across long distances to reach your grocery (not to mention all the extra methane gas!).garden
  • Source your food locally. There is so much great food being grown in Ventura County! Go to theFarmer's Market, sign up for a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) or a community garden, and buy Fair Trade and organic whenever possible.
  • Plant a garden, a pot of herbs, or a window box. Regardless of how much food it produces, it will remind you to care about your food.
  • Learn to cook at home and eat out less often.


