Plan Your Visit

Pearson Library is located at the main Thousand Oaks campus of California Lutheran University. The main entrance to the library is located behind Falde Plaza and Enormous Luther (Gumby). View our location on the campus map

How to Access Services

All Pearson Library patrons must have a Cal Lutheran-issued ID card to access the building and services. 

Library spaces and resources are intended primarily for the use of current students, faculty, and staff of California Lutheran University. Visitors are welcome to the space, and Pearson Library staff and student employees will do their best to help with every patron's unique needs. 

Questions and inquiries regarding these policies can be directed to

Driving Directions


The closest parking can be found on Chapel Lane immediately behind the Library and next to the University Chapel. More information on campus parking for students, faculty, staff, and visitors can be is provided by Campus Safety.
