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April 10, 2024

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Chuck Maxey

Submitted by Sean Wolpin '95

Featured photo for Chuck Maxey

In 1993, I was a student in the traditional undergraduate program at CLU. This was my first year at CLU having transferred from Moorpark College. I was working full-time as a store manager in the retail sector and definitely feeling the pressures of managing a full course load and full time work. To make things worse, I was being asked to travel out of state for work. I was so stressed about maintaining my studies and feared I would not be able to. After a lot of contemplation, I decided that I would drop out of college. I don’t recall the exact date, but it was near the end of the semester and I think I was turning I. A paper or assignment to my professor, Mr. Maxey. I believe I casually mentioned that I would be dropping out of college. Mr. Maxey immediately became curious and asked me why. I explained my story and the fact that I just didn’t believe I could continue due to work. Mr. Maxey said to me that there may be an alternative. I don’t recall and the details now but he introduced the idea of continuing my studies in the Adult Degree Evening Program. I had no idea that such a program even existed so I was very intrigued. There was a catch though. They had an age requirement at the time and I wasn’t old enough. I don’t particularly know what Mr Maxey saw in me, but he offered to write a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I remember be shocked that he would take an interest in this local kid. He warned me that it wouldn’t be easy but my work experience managing sales associates would help me relate to the other adult students in the program. Mr. Maxey’ score fiend e in me gave me the. Outage to give it a shot. And just like he offered, wrote a letter of recommendation and I was accepted. To sum up my story I completed two years in the ADEP program and graduated with a B.A. in Business Administration with emphasis in Human Resources Management. If it wasn’t for Mr. Maxey, I don’t believe I would have completed my college edu Taino and certainly would not have reached the success in my career that I have. One person can make a difference.

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