2023 Conference Media

The recording of the conference "What Does it Take to Call a Place Home" is available! The recording is separated by chapter to match the conference's agenda, making it easy to navigate the content. Additionally, you can view a collection of photos and slideshows that capture the conference's themes and ideas. Take advantage of this opportunity and engage with the content to deepen your understanding of the challenges that undocumented immigrants face on the central coast of California and the regional and statewide economic impacts.

View the Conference Photos

Take a look at the slideshows that were presented!

Qualitative research 

2023 Conference Videos

 Welcome Address

"What Does it Take to Call a Place Home"  Introduction.


 Presentation of professors and their students

Presentation of recent student's visit to migrant shelters in Tijuana and Highlights of findings from immigrants interview.


Presentation Economic Impact of Undocumented Immigrants"

Presentation: "Socio-Economic Profile of Undocumented Immigrants and Their Economic Impact in the Central Coast California."


Panel Discussion and Q&A

Panel Discussion on Undocumented immigrants and Q&A with panel.


Keynote Speaker

Keynote Presentation and Q&A with Speaker


Full Coverege of the Conference 
