Henri Mondschein, M.L.S., Ed.D.

Librarian, Head of Graduate Instruction & Outreach

Book this person as a speaker:

Email: mondsche@callutheran.edu
Phone: (805) 493-3012


  • Mining the Web for Business Information: Where to Find the Golden Nuggets
    Learn practical tips for uncovering “grey literature” data, and business information on your competitors, companies, industries and more.

  • Beyond Google: Power Searching Techniques for the Savvy Internet User
    Stop “Googling” and start searching the Web. Learn tips and secrets for constructing powerful search queries that will help you pinpoint information on the Web.

  • Engaging the Learner through Problem-Based Learning
    Discover how to engage learners of all age groups and learning styles using problem-solving and critical thinking strategies.

I'm the subject liaison for graduate programs within the School of Management, the Graduate School of Education, and the Graduate School of Psychology. I'm also the liaison for undergraduate courses in business and psychology. In my role, I visit graduate courses and do customized workshops on using library research tools such as databases and writing tools such as EndNote and Academic Writer. I enjoy working with graduate students and assisting them with their thesis and dissertation work. In my professional career, I've published peer-reviewed chapters on supporting the research and writing challenges of international graduate students; information literacy assessment; and the first-year seminar. In my spare time I enjoy photography, especially capturing the beauty of the night sky. My photography includes scenes such as the Milky Way in places like the California desert and the Northern Lights in Alaska. I also enjoy capturing daytime landscape scenes at iconic places such as the nation's beautiful national parks and other unique natural settings.
