Adam F. Braun, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in New Testament and Theology
he, they
(510) 559-2714
PLTS 217
Dr Adam F Braun is Assistant Professor in New Testament and Theology. His research interests include the Parables of Jesus, the canonical and apocryphal Gospels, the “philosophical turn” to Paul, and political theology. His methodological commitments converge around Narrative Criticism, Critical Race Theory, and Psychoanalysis. In addition, he sits on the steering committee of the Postcolonial Studies section at the Society for Biblical Literature’s International meeting. Dr Braun engages with historically marginalized voices, leading churches in practices of self-critique.
Dr Braun teaches Greek, New Testament, Paul, and other electives which highlight class, queer theory, race theory, and political theology. Pedagogically, Dr Braun aims to create spaces for students to encounter difference around historically marginalized power, to critically interrogate the contexts that produce traditions, and to inquire about possibilities for future communities to practice abolition and care.
When there happens to be free time, Dr Braun can be found playing soccer (football) and biking near the water. Also, he hopes to spend some time laughing and talking in queer spaces full of friends.
Ph.D. LSTC (2017)
B.A. King College (2002); M.T.S. Boston University (2008); Th.M. LSTC (2011)
Parables, Gospels, Luke-Acts, Postcolonial Theory, Race, Political Theology
2021 Braun, Adam F. " Negativity in Luke’s Rich Fool and the Abyss of the Cross", Horizons in Biblical Theology 43, 1 (2021): 51-69.
2023 “’My Light is Darkness’: Reading (the Bible in) Baldwin for #BLM,” from Activist Hermeneutics of Liberation in the Bible, ed. Jin Young Choi and Gregory L. Cuellar, Routledge 2023.
2020 “’Everyone Deserves a Family’: The Triple Bind of Family in Ari Aster’s Horror,” 가족과 커뮤니티 (Family and Community), Vol.1, No.1, 2020. 1-26.
2019 “The End of Eschatology: Derrida’s Specters of Marx and the Futures of Luke’s Christ” in Revista de Teología SIWO, Vol I. 2019, p.119-130.
2017 Review of Origins of Neoliberalism: Modeling the Economy from Jesus to Foucault, by Dotan Leshem. Journal for Culture and Religious Theory, April
2017 Extended Review of A Materialism for The Masses by Ward Blanton. Critical Theory and the Bible, Vol.13, No.1, 2017, 128-133.
2012 “Reframing the Parable of the Pounds in Lukan Narrative and Economic Context: Luke 19:11-28” in Currents in Theology and Mission