Andrea J. Sell, Ph.D
Director of Research Development and Support & Professor of Psychology
Swenson Social Science Bldg Room 207
Office Hours: https://calendly.com/proffsell/
Andrea Sell earned a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Florida, and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Florida State University. As a cognitive psychologist, her research focuses on how cognitive processes such as memory and language help humans function in the day-to-day world. Additionally, she is interested in using this knowledge about how the mind works to help people optimize their learning in classroom and experiential learning.
She enjoys teaching courses that give students the skills and tools to conduct their own research, including courses such as Statistics and Research Methods. Additionally, she teaches courses in her main domain of expertise such as, Cognition, Memory and Physiological Psychology. Students who wish to attain hands-on experience conducting research in the field of cognitive psychology can apply to work with the CLU Memory and Cognition lab group on a number of interesting projects conducted each semester.
- Ph.D. Cognitive Psychology, Florida State University.Dissertation Title: Peri-personal space and the representation of quantity: Two types of re-use responsible for motor and spatial compatibility effects.
- M.S. Cognitive Psychology, Florida State University. Thesis Title: The influence of movement on the directionality of space-timerepresentation mappings.
- B.S. Psychology, University of Florida. Honors Thesis Title: Using homophones in auditory priming of tip-of-tongue resolution.
Sell, A.J. (2018). Course-based research in introductory psychological science. In Hensel, N., (Ed.) Course-based Research: Providing Opportunities for All Students to Learn through Undergraduate Research. Stylus Publishing, 139-152.
Sell, A.J., Naginey, A., Stanton, C.A., (2018). The Impact of Undergraduate Research on Academic Success. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR), 1(3), 19-29.
Sell, A.J., (2016) Applying the directed forgetting process to forgiveness. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition,5, 10 20. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211368115000753
Sell, A. J., (2014). When younger adults look like older adults. A commentary on “A cross-cultural examination of emotional memory processing: US vs. Afghanistan.” Journal of Integrated Social Sciences, 4(1), 18-27.
Sell, A. J., & Kaschak, M. P. (2012). The comprehension of sentences involving quantity information affects responses on the up-down axis. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19, 708-714.
Sell, A. J., & Kaschak, M. P. (2011). Processing time shifts affects the execution of motor responses. Brain and Language, 117, 39-44.
Sell, A. J., & Kaschak, M. P. (2009). Does visual speech information affect word segmentation?
Memory and Cognition, 37, 889-894.
Kaschak, M. P., Jones, J. L., Coyle, J. M., & Sell, A. J. (2009). Language and body. In R. K. Wagner, C. Schatschneider, & C. Phythian-Sence (Eds.), Behavioral and Biological Bases of Reading Comprehension (p. 3-26). Guilford.
Selected Presentations and Talks
Rosales, L., & Sell, A. (2019). Preparing not to Forget: Actions Taken to Plan for Memory Error. In A.K. Goel, C.M. Seifert, & C. Freksa (Eds.) Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (p.3346). Montreal, QB: Cognitive Science Society.
Akers, C., Keagy, T., Lipstone, R., Salinas, B., Stewart, B., Sell, A.J. (2019, April). The effect of self-control on the directed forgetting of emotional information.Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association in Pasadena, CA.
Sell, A.J., Vargas, P., Ramirez, L., Awokoya, J., (2018, July). Bridging for Student Success: Cross-Program Collaboration to Support Underrepresented Students in Research Activities. Talk presented at the Biannual Council of Undergraduate Research Meeting, Washington D.C.
Sell, A.J., (2018, July). Course-Based Research in Introductory Psychological Science. Talk presented at the Biannual Council of Undergraduate Research Meeting, Washington D.C.
*Steffon, G.T., & Sell, A.J. (2018, April). Defense against disease: How memory and attention help prevent infection through the behavioral immune system. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Portland, OR.
*Rosales, L.P., & Sell, A.J. (2018, April) Metamemory in everyday life: Actions people take to avoid memory failure. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Portland, OR.
*Gregorio, C., *Steffon, G.T., Sell, A.J., (2017, April). Adaptive health behaviors: The relationship between the behavioral immune system and memory. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Sacramento, CA.
*Pasko, T.K., *Gregg, K.A., *Steffon, G.T., *Rosales, L.P., *Aviles, S., *Albert, A.J., *Jackson, S.M., Sell, A.J., (2017, April) Memory errors in dangerous situations: The relationship between weapons focus error and beliefs in a dangerous world. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association Conference, Sacramento, CA.
*Indicates undergraduate advisee.
Grant Funding
The Memory and Cognition Research Team at CLU is grateful for generous support from the Community Leaders Association, the CLU Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship, the CLU Office of Experiential Learning, and Office of Service Learning.