Christopher Njunge, Ph.D
Associate Professor and Department Chair, Organizational Leadership
Benson House - 102
Office Hours: 11:20 AM - 12:20 PM Tue & Thur (Benson House) and by Appointment
Dr. Chris Njunge has an extensive career in academia and industry both in the public and private sectors. He is the Program Director for Organizational Leadership in the Bachelor’s Degree for Professionals Program and an Asst. Prof. in the School of Management. His industry experience includes work in the Financial Services and Software Industries and his academic experience is both in public and private institutions. His leadership journey includes projects in the U.S. and Africa, where he has taught, developed teams and mentored others. His research interests include organizational leadership, information systems and organizational design and arts entrepreneurship. Dr. Njunge holds a PhD in Information Systems from Claremont Graduate University, an MBA from California State University at Northridge, and an M.S. in Information Systems from California Lutheran University.
Ph.D. in Information Systems from Claremont Graduate University
M.S. in Information Systems from California Lutheran University
MBA from California State University at Northridge
Organizational Leadership, Information Systems, Organizational Design
Mugambi A., Njunge C., Yang S.C. (June, 2014) Mobile Money Benefits and Usage: The Case of M-Pesa, IT Professional (16) 3, pp. 16-21.
Njunge, C., and Witman, P. (October 8, 2010) Launching a New Chapter – Gaining Critical Mass, Gathering Critical Input. Invited presentation to the Association for Information Systems Student Chapters Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Witman, P., and Njunge, C. (November, 2015) Service Outsourcing Handoff Run Amok - A Black Box Case Study from the Insurance Industry. Presented at the EdSigCon 2015, Wilmington, NC.
Witman, P. and Njunge, C. (March, 2016). Black Box Thinking: Analysis of a Service Outsourcing Case in Insurance. Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ), Volume 14, Issue 2.
Witman, P., Ilie, V., Njunge, C., et al. (August 12, 2016) Social Inclusion across Information Systems Specializations. The symposium brought together 25 researchers to discuss issues of how information systems could promote improved social inclusion across socio-economic, gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, technical capabilities, and other social divides. Held at the Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, CA, August 12, 2016.
Witman, P., and Njunge, C. (August, 2017) Professional Development Symposia Co-chairs. Served as reviewers of and coordinators for the Professional Development Symposia for the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston, MA.
Njunge, Christopher; Hilton, Brian; Olfman, Lorne; and Hilton, June, "Home Field Advantage in Major League Soccer" (2020). AMCIS 2020 Proceedings. 33.
Njunge, C., Witman, P. D., & Canacoo, J. (2021). Using Analytics to understand Performance and Wellness for a Women’s College Soccer Team. In Proceedings of the Conference on Information Systems Applied Research ISSN (Vol. 2167, p. 1508).
Njunge, Christopher, "Data Analysis and Visualization with Google Data Studio" (2022). AMCIS 2022 Proceedings. 23.
Njunge, C., Witman, P., Holmberg, P., Canacoo, J., (2022). Using Analytics to understand Performance and Wellness for a Women’s College Soccer Team. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research15(3) pp 4-12. http://JISAR.org/2022-3/ ISSN : 1946 - 1836.