Monica Gracyalny, Ph.D.
(805) 493-3761
Swenson 243
Dr. Monica Gracyalny is a professor in the Communication department and Director of the Research Protections Office. She completed her Ph.D. in Communication with an interdisciplinary specialization in Social Psychology at Arizona State University and her B.A. and M.A., also in Communication, at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Her research interests include interpersonal, nonverbal, and relational communication, emotion, and quantitative research methods.
Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2011
M.A., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 2007
B.A., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 2005
Gracyalny, M. L. (2017). Measurement scales: Likert and Likert-type. In M. R. Allen (Ed.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Sandlin, J.K. & Gracyalny, M. (2020). Fandom, forgiveness & future support: YouTube apologies as crisis communication. Journal of Communication Management, 24, 1-18.
Sandlin, J.K. & Gracyalny, M. (2018) Seeking sincerity, finding forgiveness: YouTube apologies as image repair. Public Relations Review, 4, 393-406.
Szmania, S. J. & Gracyalny, M. L. (2006). Addressing the court, the offender, and the community: A communication analysis of victim impact statements in a non-capital sentencing hearing. The International Review of Victimology, 13, 231-249.
Competitively Selected Conference Presentations
Sandlin, J. K., & Gracyalny, M. L. (2021, November). Cues over Content: The Impact of Comments on Audience Perceptions of YouTube Apologies. Paper accepted for presentation to the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Seattle, Washington.
Sandlin, J. K., & Gracyalny, M. L. (2019, March). Audience Characteristics and Perceptions of Public Figures’ YouTube Apologies. Paper presented to the annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Sandlin, J. K., & Gracyalny, M. L. (2017, March). The Sorry State of Social Media: Analyzing Public Apologies. Paper presented to the annual International Public Relations Research Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Gracyalny, M. L., Jackson, D. C., & Guerrero, L. K. (2016, November). The Role of Uncertainty in Forgiveness and Forgiveness-granting Communication Following Hurtful Events in Romantic Relationships. Paper presented to the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Gracyalny, M. L. (2016, July). Associations Between Insecure Adult Attachment and the Experience and Expression of Remorse in Close Relationships. Poster presented to the International Association of Relationship Research Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Jackson, D. C., & Gracyalny, M. L. (2016, July). The Role of Uncertainty in Communication and Relational Outcomes Following Hurtful Events in Dating Relationships: A Relational Turbulence Perspective. Poster presented to the International Association of Relationship Research Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Gracyalny, M.L., & Mongeau, P.M. (2015, November). The Effects of Victims’ Responses to Hurt on Offenders’ Remorse in Close Relationships: A Mediation Analysis. Paper presented to the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Guerrero, L. K., Jackson, D. C., & Gracyalny, M. L. (2015, November). Communicative responses to hurtful events: An extension of the expectancy violations theory application. Paper presented to the National Communication Association Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Gracyalny, M.L. (2012, July). Perceptions of Victim Motivations as Correlates of Remorse Expression and Forgiveness Following Hurtful Events in Close Relationships. Paper presented to the International Association of Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Gracyalny, M. L., & Mongeau, P. M. (2011, November). Assessing the Voice of Conscience: Development of Remorse Experience and Expression Scales. Paper presented to the National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Gracyalny, M. L., & Mongeau, P. M. (2010, November). Expressing remorse in close relationships: Verbal and nonverbal components of remorse. Paper presented to The National Communication Association Convention, San Francisco, California (Top Paper in Nonverbal Communication Division).
Gracyalny, M. L., & Mongeau, P. M. (2010, July). Expressing remorse: Perceptions of partner sincerity following transgressions in romantic relationships. Poster presented to the International Association for Relationship Research Annual Convention, Herzilya, Israel.
Smith, A. C., & Gracyalny, M. L. (2010, February). Associations among breakup communication, forgiveness, and current relational quality following romantic relationship termination. Paper presented to Western States Communication Association Convention, Monterrey, California.
Jackson, D. C., Guerrero, L. K., & Gracyalny, M. L. (2009, November). Communicative responses following hurtful events in dating relationships: Adding perceptions of remedial strategies to an expectancy violations model. Poster presented to the New Directions in Research on Close Relationships IARR Conference, Lawrence, Kansas.
Gracyalny, M. L. (2009, September). Conceptualizing the expression of remorse. Presentation to Department of Psychology Emotion Research Meeting, Arizona State University.
Gracyalny, M. L., Jackson, D. C., & Guerrero, L. K. (2008, November). A second look: Forgiveness and communicative responses to hurtful events. Paper presented to the National Communication Association Convention, San Diego, California.
Gracyalny, M. L. (2008, February). Conceptualizing the communication of remorse. Paper presented to the Western States Communication Association Convention, Boulder, Colorado.
Gracyalny, M. L. (2007, November). The co-creation of identity and trust in online dating: An analysis of Match.com. Paper presented to The National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
Gracyalny, M. L. (2006, November). The value of victim impact statements: The role of emotional language in offender remorse. Paper presented to The National Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, Texas.
Szmania, S. J., & Gracyalny, M. L. (2006, November). A communicative analysis of victim impact statements in the case of the Green River Killer: Practice and policy implications. Paper presented to The National Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, Texas (Top 3 Competitive Paper in Communication and the Law).
Szmania, S. J. & Gracyalny, M. L. (2006, March). Victim impact statements in the Green River Killer case. Presentation to the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Department of Communication Colloquium Series.