Paul D. Witman, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Information Technology Management
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Office Hours: By e-mail
Paul Witman is a Professor Emeritus (retired) of Information Technology Management, in California Lutheran University’s School of Management, founding former director of the MS in Information Technology program, and former Director of the School’s Undergraduate programs in Business, Accounting, and Economics. His research interests include social networking for non-profits, information security, usability, health care information, and electronic banking and finance. In addition, he frequently writes teaching case studies based on current events, focused on the use and abuse of information to take advantage of vulnerable populations.
Witman’s teaching focuses on the use of information in organizations, and the importance of using information for all manner of decision-making. Bringing 23 years of industry experience to the classroom, he enjoys working with students to identify issues related to information in their own experiences, across a wide range of industries governments, and non-governmental agencies, and then to analyze and design solutions for those issues.
Prior to joining CLU, Witman served as the Director of Integration Engineering for Digital Insight Corporation, a leading eFinance enabler. In this role, Witman was responsible for working with clients on a wide range of system integration issues, problem resolution, technology planning, and due diligence activities. Before joining Digital Insight, Witman was Director of Global Delivery Systems at Citibank, where he was oversaw the development and support of self-service delivery systems platforms, providing software for home banking, ATM’s, and call centers. Witman originally joined Citibank in 1983 as a developer on an early home banking product.
Witman is an active volunteer with the United Methodist Church, home repair and home construction projects, and Sturtevant’s Camp, a trail camp in the Angeles National Forest.
Witman holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems and Technology from Claremont Graduate University, a Master’s degree in Computer Information Systems from Claremont Graduate School and a Bachelor’s in Math/Computer Science from UCLA.
Ph.D., Information Systems and Technology, Claremont Graduate University, 2007 M.S., Computer Information Systems, Claremont Graduate School, 1987 B.S., Math/Computer Science, UCLA, 1983
- Banking Technology
- Information Systems
- Information Security
- Information Systems for Churches and Non-profits
- Social Media
Selected publications:
- Crumroy, O., Kukawka, S., Witman, F., and Witman, P. Church Administration and Finance Manual, 2nd Edition. Church Publishing Inc. (2024).
- Witman, P., Prior, J., Mackelprang, S., and Nickl, T. (2024). Southwest Airlines’ Winter Tech Wreck. Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) 22(5) pp. 59-71. https://isedj.org/2024-22/n5/ISEDJv22n5p59.pdf. ISSN: 1545-679X https://doi.org/10.62273/EFWA2093
- Witman, P., Prior, J., Mackelprang, S., (2023). Yours, mine and ours: Risk assignments, management, and tradeoffs on the road to driverless vehicles. Information Systems Education Journal 21(3) pp 50-61. http://ISEDJ.org/2023-3/ ISSN: 1545-679X. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2022
- Njunge, C., Witman, P., Holmberg, P., and Canacoo, J. (June, 2022) Using Analytics to understand Performance and Wellness for a Women’s College Soccer Team. Journal of Information Systems and Applied Research
- Witman, P. and Mackelprang, S. (January, 2022) The 2020 Twitter Hack – So Many Lessons to Be Learned. Teaching case in the Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research, and Practice.
- Witman, P. (November, 2020) Viral Scalability - Coping with Sudden Demand Swings. Teaching case in the Information Systems Education Journal, Volume 19, Issue 1, p. 23-33.
- Witman, P. (November, 2019) Deposit a Check, Get Arrested – The Case of Mishandled ATM Camera Forensics. Teaching case presented at the EDSIGCon Conference 2019, Cleveland, OH
- Witman, P. (September, 2018) “What Gets Measured Gets Managed” - The Wells Fargo Account Opening Scandal. Teaching case in the Journal of Information Systems Education, Volume 29, Issue 3, p. 131-138
- Witman, P. (November, 2017) “What Gets Measured Gets Managed” - The Wells Fargo Account Opening Scandal. Presented at the EdSIGCon 2017, Austin, TX. Received Best Case Study Paper award for the conference.
- Witman, P., Ilie, V., Njunge, C., et al. (August 12, 2016) Social Inclusion across Information Systems Specializations. Held at the Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, CA, August 12, 2016
- Witman, P. and Njunge, C. (March, 2016). Black Box Thinking: Analysis of a Service Outsourcing Case in Insurance. Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ), Volume 14, Issue 2.
- Witman, P., and Njunge, C. (November, 2015) Service Outsourcing Handoff Run Amok - A Black Box Case Study from the Insurance Industry. Presented at the EdSigCon 2015, Wilmington, NC
- Witman, P. (August, 2014) Not-for-profits and Social Media – Can We Find Strategic Value? Presented at theAmericas Conference for Information Systems, Savannah, GA.
- Witman, P. Social Media for Social Value. IEEE COMPUTER, July 2013, Vol.46, Issue 7.
- Cochran, M. and Witman, P. (May/June 2013). Location Selection Criteria for a Second Data Center or Storage of Off-site Materials. Journal of Emergency Management Vol.11, Issue 3, p. 237-245.
- Ilie, V., Turel, O., and Witman, P. (January 9, 2013) Towards a New Design Paradigm for Complex Electronic Medical Record Systems: Intuitive User Interfaces. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI.
- Witman, P. (October 28, 2010) Website Self-Service Tools - Software Component Acquisition and "Death by a Thousand Cuts". Presented at the ISECON2010 Conference, Nashville, TN.
- Witman, P., Johnson, K., and Sparkman, N. (March 23, 2010) The Church Online - the Impact of Online Social Networks on Church Congregations, Southern Association for Information Systems Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Furneaux, Brent, Hill, T., Smith, W., Venkatsubramanyan, S., Wang, J., Washington, A., Witman, P. (2009). Aging Content on the Web: Issues, Implications and Research Opportunities, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 24, Article 8.
- Witman, P. (January, 2009) Software Product Lines and Configurable Product Bases in Business Applications - A Case from Financial Services Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI.
- Witman, P. and Ryan, T. (January, 2010) Think Big for Reuse. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 53, Issue 1, p. 142-147, http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2010/1/55773-think-big-for-reuse/abstract
- Witman, P. and Roust, T. (2008) Balances and Accounts of Online Banking Users: A Study of Two US Financial Institutions. International Journal of Electronic Finance 2(2) (April, 2008).