Course Descriptions

MSM 501: Foundations of Accounting (4)

The first 40% of the course (approximately) focuses on financial accounting, or the measuring, processing, classifying, and reporting of financial information for external use. The remaining 60% of the course (approximately) focuses on managerial accounting or the presentation of financial information to management for internal decision-making purposes.

MSM 502: Foundations of Economics (3)

This course provides the groundwork for a general understanding of economics. It deals with both aspects of the study of economics (Micro and Macroeconomics). Microeconomics explains economic decision making by the individual economic agents, and Macroeconomics describes the working of an economic system and its behavior as a whole. In order to help students to get a better grasp of the pertinent discussions and follow them in a systematic order, the course is divided into five segments. 1) Introduction to Economics; 2) Market, Its Concept and working, Comparative Statics, Market Failure, and Discussion of Efficiency; 3) Product  & Factor Markets and Their Structure; 4) Macroeconomic Measurement, Models and Fiscal Policy; 5) Money, Banking and Monetary Policy.

MSM 503: Foundations of Business Statistics (3)

This course is designed to help the entering MSM students to acquire a good intuitive grasp of statistics - what it is, how and when to apply statistical techniques to managerial situations, and how to interpret results.  Various statistical and mathematical techniques will be presented to assist in solving problems encountered by corporate managers. Students need to demonstrate knowledge of the course concepts by knowing which decisions, comparisons, and inferences to make in the presence of uncertainty.

MSM 505: Enterprise Management, Organization, and Strategy (3)

Managers are called upon to make important choices that require a well-informed understanding of how organizations are designed and operate. Toward that end, they must be knowledgeable of all of and organization’s functions (including accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, operations, etc.) and how these activities must be coordinated. Further, to achieve firm goals, managers are required to have a profound understanding of the industry and professional environment. This course introduces the functional areas of an organization, seeks to develop external environmental analytical skills, and proposes theoretical and practical paradigms to effectively manage in an increasingly competitive global environment.

MSM 506: Information Technology Management (3)

In today's dynamic and competitive economy, the ability of an organization to effectively leverage their existing and emerging information technologies is a critical success factor in gaining and sustaining a strategic advantage. This course introduces students to important concepts and techniques needed to understand and leverage information technology within an organizational context. Students will learn the fundamentals of design and implementation of information systems in the modern organization, business process improvement thorough the use of information technology, organizational data modeling, project management concepts, data governance mechanisms, technology-enabled change management among other.

MSM 507: Organizational Behavior (3)

Investigation and consideration of individual and group behavior within an organizational context is explored. Focus is on the understanding and application of knowledge issues including motivation, group process, leadership, communication, performance enhancement, power and influence, creativity, conflict management, change, diversity and global issues. Integration of theory and practice from a managerial perspective are considered.

MSM 508: Business Ethics and Law (3)

Law provides a set of rules for behavior in society. Ethics presents a menu of options for social actors. Law concerns what we are obligated to do; ethics concerns what we should do. This course presents the disciplines of law and ethics as complementary strategic tools to guide business leaders in making sound decisions as well as exercising moral judgment.

MSM 509: Marketing Management (3)

With more and more products and services chasing fewer dollars, marketing strategy and plan execution is more important than ever.  The goal of marketing is to plan, build, manage and grow ethical and profitable customer relationships over time.

Marketing Management introduces students to the great variety of functions that must be managed in a marketing organization. Activities and issues addressed include product marketing and management, customer satisfaction, pricing, product launches, digital marketing, marketing information systems, channel management, marketing administration, industry marketing, marketing communications, lead management, event marketing and marketing campaign strategy.

MSM 513: Financial Principles and Policies (3)

Finance and financial institutions as they relate to the firm and the flow of funds are studied.  Emphasis is on the supply and demand of capital, principles and tools of business finance, money, and capital markets. Topics include: time value of money, valuation of securities, capital budgeting, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), market efficiency, risk and return analysis, working capital management, budgeting and planning, costs of capital, and financial ratio analysis.

MSM 590 Internship (3)

Supervised internship in a company of student’s choice.

MSM 594: International Travel (3)

International Travel courses are organized by the School of Management in collaboration with relevant the University office.
