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April 10, 2024

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Felicia Rosas '24

Submitted by Felicia Rosas

Featured photo for Felicia Rosas

I wanted to share my story of survival and strength. And hopefully I can inspire anyone who may have experienced similar events to keep on going. And show that it is never too late to accomplish your goals. I have summed up a little of what lead me to finish my education at Cal Lu.

In 2018, I was a broken soul. I had finally found my voice and courage to leave a toxic ten-year relationship filled with hidden secrets and lots of pain. Once leaving I briefly had a fresh breath of air, and for once in my life I was a single adult woman with 2 children ready to take on the world. My excitement for my newfound freedom was quickly shut down due to the person who I had left making my life a living hell. Living hell is an understatement, I was faced with everyday interruptions in all aspects of my life. I was no longer excited for life, but anxious for each day to end. I became a victim, and no longer felt brave and courageous. I could go on and on with all that I endured, but I will just say that over months and months of being scared and afraid, I finally was able to rest when the individual was finally away and getting the help he needed. Exhausted and anxious again, I had to start to relearn life again for myself and my children. A whole life shift happened, and I met an old friend who ended up becoming my heaven sent. He sparked the fire in my heart and soul that I had been missing for so long. I had a big smile and a new glow, and a life partner that was in my corner no matter what we faced. I was on top of the world! We had big plans, he proposed, and life was so exciting. May of 2020, I graduated from VC with my Associates with my biggest fans cheering the loudest for me. We then knew I couldn’t stop there, so I investigated CLU and was so happy when I got accepted and I enrolled right away. September of 2020, my fiancé passed away and my world and heart were broken. I dropped from school and took time to relearn my life once again, as now my soulmate was gone. Fall of 2021, I was ready to get back to life. CLU accepted me again with open arms and have been so great. I use my fiancé as my driving force, and I will complete my bachelor’s in accounting in his honor. I am living proof that no matter how many times you get knocked down or feel defeated, there is always hope! I feel that my enrollment in this program has given me back my drive and purpose and I am so thankful for an opportunity to follow my dreams while still being able to provide being that I am a single mother. Staff has been wonderful, and I am excited to accomplish my goal here. I no longer feel like an anxious victim, I am brave and courageous.

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