Speakers Bureau/Media Directory Available

New publication provides experts, speakers on variety of topics

CLU's newly redesigned 2005 Speakers Bureau/Media Directory is now available for local clubs, businesses and organizations in need of speakers for meetings or special events. The speakers guide lists more than 250 topics faculty and administrators from CLU are available to address. The directory also serves as an excellent resource for print and broadcast media.
Topics in this year’s edition include politics, business, bioengineering, environmental issues, religion, the arts, history, personal development, education, diversity and more. The booklet is organized by topic with cross–referencing to related topics. Biographical information and additional listings of experts are available online.
For a free copy of the guide, please call the University Relations Office at x3151 or email the Media Relations Office at mediarelations@clunet.edu . The guide is also available through CLU’s website at http://www.clunet.edu/speakers.
