2017 ALCF Annual Conference

September 29-30, 2017

Association of Lutheran College Faculties

Re-Forming Communities: Toward the Next 500 Years

September 29–30 , 2017

California Lutheran University
Thousand Oaks, CA

Communities across our nation struggle to uphold the ideal of serving the common good in a world that seems to be continually shrinking. Our faith calls upon us to love our neighbor as our self. And yet we are challenged—in the classroom, on campus, in our neighborhoods, and within our academic fields—to develop and enact concrete practices that can foster vibrant, cooperative, resilient and respectful communities in a world where we seem to have less and less in common.

Please join us as we explore together how the 500 year old tradition of Lutheran higher education inspires and encourages us to respond to this call.

California Lutheran University, located midway between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, is a newly-designated Hispanic-Serving Institution.  With a religiously and ethnically diverse student body, we are committed to building a learning and work environment that trains leaders to work for the common good. We respect each person's dignity and view individual differences as a source of strength and knowledge while being rooted in the Lutheran tradition of education.
