Conference Schedule & Program
4:00pm |
Registration and Reception - Lundring Events Center (Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center). Click here for Campus Map. |
6:00pm |
Welcome and Dinner |
7:00pm |
Opening Plenary Address – Kirsi Stjerna, Ph.D. - First Lutheran, Los Angeles/Southwest California Synod Professor of Lutheran History and Theology |
8:45am – 9:45am |
Session 1Location A - WRAC 212 Educating and Equipping Lutheran Schools with Trauma-Informed Practices
Location B - WRAC 213 Binaural Beats: Resonating Powerful Effects on the Nation
Location C - WRAC 111 Walk for Hope: Service Learning in the Classroom
10am | Chapel Service, Samuelson Chapel |
11am – Noon |
Session 2Location A - WRAC 212 Deep-Story Selves: The Vocational Autobiography and the Classroom Community
Location B - WRAC 213 Panel - Role of criminology and criminal justice education within the Lutheran context
Location C - WRAC 111 Building Bridges, Not Barriers: Interfaith Understanding at Carthage College
Lunch Business Meeting - Ullman Commons 100/101 Walking tour of campus SEEd (Sustainable Edible Education) garden |
2pm – 3 pm |
Session 3Location A - WRAC 212 Lutheran Public Health Programs and Consortium: A Call for Action Concordia Nebraska
Location B - WRAC 213 The Impact of Spirituality on School Leadership
Location C - WRAC 111 Reducing Student Resistance: Mindful Teaching as a Tool for Maximum Engagement in
Higher Education Classrooms
Peter Renn, Ph.D.
3:15pm – 4:15pm |
Session 4 Location A - WRAC 212 Panel - Teaching Islam and Religious Literacy at ELCA Institutions Fatih Harpci, Ph.D.
Location B - WRAC 213 Balancing Positionality and Interculturalism for a Re-formed Learning Community: Working
with International Students in a Lutheran University
Location C - WRAC 111 The Economic Organization of the Early Church
4:30pm |
Closing Reception - William Rolland Art Center Lobby and Patio |