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TechDiplomacy Talks: AI in the US, Europe and Austria

TechDiplomacy Talks: AI in the US, Europe and Austria

Join us for a panel discussion on the impact of Al on companies, geopolitics and diplomatic decision-making in the US, Europe and Austria.

Moderator: Michael Postl, PhD, Consul General of the Republic of Austria in Los Angeles


  • AJ Abdallat, CEO, Beyond Limits
  • John Garcia, DBA, professor of Finance, California Lutheran University
  • Irina Kukuyeva, PhD, Fractional Chief data officer, AI due diligence

Key technologies, such as AI, quantum, neuro, nano, bio and 6G technologies and the process of digitalization are becoming increasingly important due to their transformative - but also disruptive - effect on businesses, foreign and geopolitics and diplomatic decision-making.

To do justice to this new geopolitical environment and to find appropriate responses to these new challenges in close cooperation with the United States, the European Union and its member states, increased attention will be paid to building the capacities of a more strategically positioned tech diplomacy at the BMEIA.

Building on the traditional focus of Austrian foreign policy, Austrian tech diplomacy also contributes to shaping an order for the digital space that is based on international law and human rights. Digital humanism offers a good compass for dealing with the great potential and risks of new technologies.

The event is free, registration required.


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