Our Alumni
Armed with knowledge, perspectives and skills acquired in the global studies program at CLU, global studies alumni pursue their interests and careers that are truly global everywhere in the world. Our alumni are eager to take advantage of opportunities created in the global world and work with people from different cultural and religious backgrounds for peace, social justice, cross-cultural understanding and/or business endeavor.

Kelly Fry '10
"While at Cal Lu, I really had no clue what I wanted to do after I graduated. I never really thought about it either, up until my last year, and really my last semester… I developed a passion for social justice issues while at CLU. Through all the various events that I attended, I think that I realized that I am very privileged, and really wanted to do something with that to help those who were unable to help themselves."

Jessica Weaver '10
"I cannot understate the academic possibilities offered within this department and the potential gravity of their effect on future pursuits. My present occupation is a tangible manifestation of the global interconnectedness that first piqued my interest in becoming a Global Studies major, and seeing certain concepts I learned in the classroom materialize in my daily life abroad is proof of how valid the information taught truly is."

Mari Stromsvag '10
"Here is my favorite quote and I try to live by it: 'Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain

Kayla Barnett '09
"I am now at the Monterey Institute of International Studies working on a Masters degree in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies…. When trying to decide on which program I wanted to achieve my masters degree in, I looked back on the classes that I had most enjoyed or found the most interesting during my under grad, and those where the ones that dealt with terrorism and the effects it has on the global population."