Edit Room & Television Studio

Edit Rooms

Room 131 features two Apple iMac with the following specs and software.

  • 3.06 GHz Core duo
  • 4GB Ram
  • OS X 10.6.6
  • 1.5 Terrabyte array
  • Final Cute Pro 7 HD
  • After Effects CS3
  • Photoshop CS3

edit room 131

Room 132 features two Apple iMac with the following specs and software.

  • 3.06 GHz Core duo
  • 4GB Ram
  • OS X 10.6.6
  • 1.5 Terrabyte array
  • Final Cute Pro 7 HD
  • After Effects CS3
  • Photoshop CS3

edit room 132

Television Studio

The television features three Hitachi 2-2010A cameras, a Sennheisser 416 microphone on a Mole Richardson studio room. There are three curtains, studio gray, black and chroma key green.  There is also a small grip consisting of flags, silks, scrims and C stands. cameras


The lighting grid has 2k soft lights, 1 and 2k fresnal fixtures, 8 cyc lights and 1 and 2k tungston balanced flourescent lighting.




The rosco dimmer strips are all controlled by an ETC 48 channel lighting board.

 lighting board

The control booth feature two Sony DV cam VTRs, 1-3/4" VTR, and SVHS/VHS desk.  The heart of the system is a Sony DFS-700A switcher.control booth

For titles there is a FireWriter character generater and an Apple G4 with Adobe Effects, Illustrator, and Photoshop.  For Audio recording there ia 16 channel Mackie mixer.audio board

