
Note: After clicking the recording link, you'll be prompted to enter the passcode emailed to you by Fifty and Better staff for your course or lecture. If you need assistance, email or call 805-493-3290. Recordings will be posted within 24 hours of the live course/lecture meeting.

For Spring 4-Week Course recordings, scroll down.

FABulous Spring Lecture Series Recordings

Spring Special Course Recordings

The Cold War: From Prologue to Epilogue with Linas Kojelis

Spring Session Recordings

Course recordings will be avialable to view through April 28, 2024.

Broadway Divas with Sam and Candy Caponegro
Exploring Authenticity: Ancient Artifacts, Theft, and Forgeries with Scott Jones and Christine Maasdam
"We All Want to Change the World": The Beatles in the Studio (Part 1) with Cary Ginell
History of Furniture and Ornamentation (Part 2) with Eleanor Schrader
The Palace of Versailles: Its History, Art, and Architecture with Katherine Zoraster
A Republic If You Can Keep It with Dr. Herb Gooch
Free Lecture