Communication Department
College of Arts & Sciences
Dynamic and relevant.
The study of communication is relevant to every industry and human endeavor, especially
in today’s dynamic media environment enhanced with social and mobile capabilities.
Our program combines the study of communication theory with the development of practical
skills and a vibrant internship program, preparing you for a career or graduate school
— whichever path you choose.
Emphasize Your Strengths
We provide comprehensive training in media studies and communication theory. You can take a general degree in Communication to keep your options broad and open, or you can complete an emphasis in advertising and public relations, film and television production, journalism (print and online), or sports communication. You may also choose to take Marketing Communication, which we offer in partnership with CLU's School of Management.
Explore and Experience
Communication is a broad field with increasingly diverse opportunities created by this digital age. We provide multiple opportunities for hands-on experiences so you can try creating your own media content. Take classes to learn how to produce your own radio show for iCLU, our streaming radio station; write a column or take photos for The Echo, our award-winning newspaper; or direct and produce your own film for our university Film Festival.
Build a Professional Community
The Communication Department encourages interaction with professionals by requiring our students to complete an internship or independent study. Guided by their own interests and career goals, CLU students have interned at hundreds of organizations, including J.D. Power & Associates, Sage Publishing, Disney, Warner Brothers, Edelman Public Relations, the Los Angeles Kings, Soul Pancake, and the Ventura County Community Foundation.
Department Assistant Office
Swenson Center, Room 239
My biggest advice to current or prospective students is to do as many internships as you can -- don't just do one, and don't wait until your senior year.
Kristi (Wolzmuth '06) Staley
Public Affairs Specialist, Kratos Defense
Have fun! That is what life is all about... especially when you're working. If you don't like the job, why are you doing it? You don't have to!
Evan White '06