What We Believe

  • All children have the right to feel good about themselves and it is the responsibility of all teachers to nurture the child's self esteem.
  • All of our educational and guidance decisions for children must be based on our knowledge of child development.
  • Each person is a unique individual and has his/her own needs. Each person has the right to meet this need in his or her own way and in his/her own time. However, one of the responsibilities of having rights is recognizing and respecting the rights of others.
  • Everyone is entitled to feelings, "good" or "bad", as well as the trial and error process that goes with understanding our feelings. It is important for us to give children the opportunity to experience this process.
  • We appreciate and support the close ties between the child and family and know that children are best understood in the context of their family, culture, and society.
  • Creativity, self-expression, and curiosity are expressions of individuality and should be encouraged to develop in all people.
  • We help children and adults achieve their full potential in the contexts of relationships that are based on trust, respect, and positive regard.
  • All children and their families are due the respect for personal privacy demanded by the professional ethics that govern the Early Childhood profession.