Our initiatives support historically marginalized students.

Great Minds Are Not All The Same

Dean’s Lecture Series

Great Minds Are Not All The Same

This lecture presented by Temple Grandin is a remarkable opportunity to learn about different types of thinking, such as object visualizers who think in pictures; visual spatial mathematical thinkers who think in patterns; and verbal word thinking. Join us to learn about how different types of thinkers can use their skills in a complementary manner to achieve many things. Grandin will share how being a person who thinks in pictures has helped her through her work in different fields.

Temple Grandin was diagnosed with autism as a child and went on to pursue work in psychology and animal science. She has become a leading advocate for autistic communities and has also written books and provided consultation on the humane treatment of animals. In 2010, HBO released an Emmy Award-winning film on Grandin’s life.

This event is part of the Dean’s Lecture Series and the official kick-off for Disability Awareness Month.

Register below if you plan to attend. Please note that seating for the event is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Registering for the event does not guarantee you a seat. While we will make every effort to accommodate all attendees, we recommend arriving early to secure your seating and ensure the best possible experience.


Sponsored By
College of Arts and Sciences, Center for Equality and Justice, The Autism Center, Faculty Development and the Artists and Speakers Series


Jana Weber
