Instructions for completing your department schedule
The dean of each respective school will be responsible for coordinating the schedule of classes with department chairs for an entire academic year. Below are instructions on how to complete the annual department schedule.
Academic Schedules for the entire academic year (Fall, Spring, and Summer)
Step-by-Step Instructions
The tabs at the bottom of the Excel file reflect an entire academic year in which courses are offered at California Lutheran University: Fall, Spring, and Summer. The Academic Scheduling Committee has set standards aligned with its mission which requires that the academic year be scheduled in its entirety. This enables better student and University resource planning across the entire academic year.
- Open the Excel file that is attached to the email. Select the appropriate semester
tab. Click FILE → Save As → Your dept. name followed by the academic year for which you are planning. This step will enable you to make changes on the file. Pre-populated courses were copied from the previous academic year or the year prior,
as appropriate to your department.
- Example: SOC 2019-2020 . It is recommended that you create a scheduling folder in your files to avoid confusion.
- Review the course offerings for the academic year and adjust the data as needed. ALL CHANGES NEED TO BE IN RED FONT COLOR. NOTE: If any information is typed incorrectly, the information will not be accepted.
In addition, there are pre-set drop down menus for the following columns: Day, Time,
Room Type Preference. The Days and Times listed follow the approved schedule of standard
- Example: The spreadsheet reflects three sections of Intro to Sociology and you need to add the day and time. Use the drop down menu in the "Day" and "Time" columns to add this information.
- Reminder: The spreadsheet reflects information that will be included on the semester schedule. If you need to make additional adjustments, please refer to the Schedule Change sections below for more information.
- Save early and save often. As you begin to make changes on your spreadsheet, please be certain to save your work. Once you have completed your schedule for all semesters requested (Fall, Spring, and Summer), review your entries one last time to ensure changes are marked in RED.
- Email your schedule in an attachment to your respective scheduling administrator.
For the College of Arts and Sciences, email Faculty Scheduling. For the School of Management, email Dr. Paul Witman.
- Note: The file should be titled your department followed by the academic year (i.e. SOC 2019-2020)
Schedule Changes
When making changes, additions, or deletions to your schedule, it’s best to use the same spreadsheet for all changes so you have a picture of your entire schedule as it’s being molded. Please follow these steps to ensure accurate updates are processed:
Course Deletions
- Locate the course you would like to remove from the schedule and right-click on the rownumber.
- Next, click on “FORMAT CELLS” and select the “FONT” tab
- In the “EFFECT” section, select “STRIKETHROUGH” and in the “COLOR” section, select “RED”
Course Additions
- Make your course addition on the next available line (at the end of the list) without altering any information previously submitted.
- Next, Right-click on the rownumber(s) of the course(s) added and click on “FORMAT CELLS” and select the “FONT” tab. In the “COLOR” section, select “RED”
Other Changes
- Make the necessary change(s) and be sure to mark them in RED font color.
Notes Section (Free-Text Area)
This is a free-range column to include anything you may want to note. You may use this column to indicate any of the following:
- Cross-listed courses
- Instructor names that may not be listed
- Selected Topic course titles (1ST, 2ST, 3ST, 4ST)
- Pedagogical requests (i.e. specific classroom request, computer labs, etc.)
Note: All cross-listed courses must be indicated in the "Notes" section. This course will be flagged and a confirmation is needed from all departments involved in order to be published on the schedule. Academic Scheduling does not assume responsibility for cross-listed courses in previous semesters/terms.
- Selected Topic courses may be offered at each academic level. Designations are as follows: the department
subject followed by: 1ST (first year), 2ST (second year), 3ST (third year), and 4ST
(forth year). The designations replace most 282 and 482 courses. For more information
regarding selected topic courses, please contact the University Registrar, Maria Kohnke.
- Add “Selected Topic” and leave a note in the "Notes" section with the title of the selected topic course. Continue to enter in a meeting day, time, instructor, and cap.
- Example of a first year selected topic course: PSYC-1ST. Course name goes in the Notes section: Psychology Terminology.
- If the Course Number is not represented in the "Course" column, please follow the instructors for “Course
Additions" below.
- Note: All new courses need to be approved by EPPC prior to being added to the schedule. Please refer to the University Catalog for correct course numbers.
- For more information regarding EPPC curriculum changes and the approval process, please contact the University Registrar, Maria Kohnke.
- Note: All adjunct faculty paperwork must be requested through the Academic Affairs office. A follow up email will be sent to you prior to the start of the semester if a staff member name has not been reported.
- If you need to schedule meeting days outside of the approved standard meeting patterns, please fill out a meeting deviation request form and forward it to
- Department chairs have the ability to change the cap of courses; however if the course is cross-listed, please be sure to communicate with the other department on a set cap. Further, the course caps are adjusted by scheduling administration at various points in the semester for administrative reasons (i.e. saving seats for freshmen or transfer students).