Ecuador Travel Seminar

PA 585-01 

Ecuador Travel Seminar is a course that is designed to help MPPA and other Masters students in the School of Management (MBA) learn about and witness the operation of small business, sustainable tourism practices. In addition, this travel course provides an opportunity for participating students to learn, through their research experience, the nuances of sustainable development in Ecuador. In addition, students will have the opportunity to learn about how sustainable business practices can be put in place and the challenges and opportunities of collaboration between small businesses, local government and other stakeholders.

Ecuador Soccer Kids

Soccer with Kids in Yunguilla.

Ecuador Fruits

Fruits at a market in Ecuador.

Student Learning Objectives

At the completion of this course, the student should:

  1. Appreciate the complexity of running a social enterprise in Ecuador.
  2. Analyze the techniques to form alliances with government and other agencies to promote sustainable businesses.
  3. Contrast the dynamics of how community and business associations operate, in the U.S. and Ecuador. 
  4. Discover the complexity of making decisions in an ethical manner, in industries that are dependent on tourism & travel.
  5. Critically engage with research questions related to business and planning in a context that is changing rapidly.
  6. Survey the relationship of U.S. with Ecuador and how government and nonprofit agencies work to develop it.
  7. Develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the biodiversity of Ecuador, one of the most biodiverse regions in the world.