Sacramento Policy Institute

This course, centered around a four-day State Capital seminar, provides a multi-perspective examination of policy development processes and pressures by way of first hand observation and interaction with the institutions and influences at work to develop state policy in Sacramento, including lawmakers, lobbyists, media, legislative analyst, regulators, policy committee consultants, advocacy organizations, political consultants, and executive branch officials.

Sacramento Institute course students and Professor Herb Gooch receiving a warm welcome on the State Senate Floor.

Sacramento Institute course students and Professor Herb Gooch receiving a warm welcome on the State Senate Floor.

Students getting a taste of what it is like to be a California State Assemblyperson.

Students getting a taste of what it is like to be a California State Assemblyperson.

Student Learning Objectives

At the completion of this course, the student should:

  1. Become familiar with key players in California State Capital policy development and their roles, including lawmakers, lobbyists, media, Legislative Analyst, executive branch staff, regulators and policy committee consultants.
  2. Better understand the process by which policies are developed, vetted and turned into statutes or regulations in the Capital.
  3. Be familiar with political pressures placed upon California's democratic institutions by advocacy, including lobbying, fundraising, special interests groups and caucus process.
  4. Better understand the role of direct democracy in the political advocacy process.
  5. Be introduced to the impact of California media, new media and technology in shaping politics and policy.
  6. Better understand the state policy process by analyzing a case study of a specific issue area in light of the powerful institutions and influences that dominate Sacramento lawmaking.