Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

Beyond Surviving: Taking Care of Our Nonprofit Leaders of Color Now

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Virtual Workshop via Zoom

Individual Members: No Fee
Organizational Members: No Fee
Non-Members: No Fee


About this event

“When you exist in spaces that weren’t built for you, sometimes just being you is the revolution” -Elaine Welteroth from More Than Enough

For our August Nonprofit Leadership Council, the Center for Nonprofit Leadership is excited to bring together local leaders of color to discuss what it takes for nonprofits to facilitate a space for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in the sector to do more than just survive, but to thrive as the leaders they are. This event aims to highlight the extra strain on BIPOC in the field normally and especially now during the current social climate, as well as propose strategies for taking care of BIPOC in Nonprofit professional settings.

Introduction to key mental health terms and contextualizing the experience of BIPOC in the workplace will be presented by Carl Chávez. This presentation will be followed by a panel of local leaders of color discussing their lived experiences and suggestions for fostering safe spaces for leaders of color to thrive in the nonprofit workplace.

Panelists Include:

Sharon Comartie, VP of Administration, Kids and Families Together
Lena Morán, Director of Programming and Language Justice, Just Communities
Gerry Pantoja, Director of Major and Planned Giving, Ventura College Foundation
Darcy Taylor, CEO of Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County (HFHVC)

Moderated by Jennelyn Tumalad, Program Specialist, Center for Nonprofit Leadership

The Panel will be followed by breakout sessions led by the presenters.

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