What we do

  • We serve as an informational resource for both students and faculty who are interested in undergraduate research and creative scholarship.
  • We offer workshops on research-related topics (e.g., what forms can research take in the various disciplines, how to write an abstract, how to make a presentation poster).
  • We host discussion groups on topics relevant to students and faculty who are engaged in undergraduate research and creative scholarship (e.g., how to become involved in the process).
  • We coordinate new grant programs that distribute funds for undergraduate research and creative scholarship and for student presentation travel. (Faculty should contact Dr. Grady Hanrahan, Associate Provost for Experiential Learning, Research and Faculty Development (ghanraha@callutheran.edu), as well as the Office of Sponsored Research and Projects (OSRP), for information on funding opportunities to support their projects.)
  • We host on-campus symposia (e.g., Student Research Symposium in the fall) and coordinate off-campus opportunities (e.g., SCCUR).
  • We lobby for additional support for students and faculty involved in undergraduate research and creative scholarship.
  • We assist in the planning and hosting of on-campus conferences that focus on undergraduate research and creative scholarship.
  • We help faculty identify how undergraduate research and creative scholarship can engage students in their discipline.
  • We disseminate information about undergraduate research and creative scholarship opportunities.
  • We celebrate and publicize undergraduate research and creative scholarship through our Website.