Preliminary Education Specialist Credential

The Special Education program at CLU offers course work for three speciality areas:

  • Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)
  • Extensive Support Needs (ESN)
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH)

The MMSN and ESN specialty areas authorize service in grades K-12 and in classes organized primarily for adults through age 22, including the authorization for the teaching of students with autism. The D/HH program authorizes service from birth through age 22, which includes the teaching of students with autism. All teaching programs at Cal Lutheran are CTC-approved to provide English Learner Authorization.

The CTC requirements for the Preliminary Education Specialist Teaching Credential are:

  • Bachelor’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university
  • Accredited professional preparation program, including successful student teaching
  • Certificate of Clearance (fingerprint clearance)
  • Basic Skills Proficiency
  • Developing English Language Skills, including reading (This requirement is fulfilled by coursework in the program)
  • U.S. Constitution
  • Passage of RICA - You are encouraged to complete this requirement after completion of reading coursework.
  • CTC-approved Health Education course (contact CLU Credential Analyst for more course information)
  • American Sign Language course (D/HH program only)
  • Subject-Matter Competence
  • SCTA Membership-$30 membership; includes $1,000,000 liability insurance and legal protection when you work with students as a part of your preparation to be a teacher 
  • Adult, Infant and Child CPR certification (needs to be valid at time of credential recommendation)
  • Passage of the Teacher Performance Assessment - edTPA (MMSN/ESN only at this time)

Credential Recommendation Application Process

Prior to application for recommendation for the credential or certificate, an academic exit must be completed with your faculty adviser.  If you submit an application and a hold has been placed on your account by the Business Office due to outstanding charges, the application will be returned to you. You may submit an application without final grades posted after May 1st for spring completion, and after December 1st for fall completion.  However, the application will not be processed until eligibility and all grades have been verified.

Step 1: Read about the application process
Step 2: Pay the application fee
Step 3: Submit required documents

