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Ernst F. Tonsing, Bluetooth - Past and Present

American Scandinavian Foundation Lecture Series

Ernst F. Tonsing, Bluetooth - Past and Present

Why is the Bluetooth (a hands-free device that substitutes for cell phones) named after a long-dead Danish Viking monarch known for his dental abnormality? What made him so important? Ernst F. Tonsing, CLU Professor Emeritus of Religion and Greek and author of the soon-to-be published 50-year history of California Lutheran University, will connect modern technology with the ancient King Harald Bluetooth. In addition, Tonsing’s presentation will describe the birth of Scandinavia, using slides he has taken at Denmark’s archaeological sites associated with this illustrious Viking leader – especially the monumental mounds and rune stones of Jelling.

Admission is free.

Photo by Robert Ritterbush: Ernst F. Tonsing with Jelling Rune Stone Banner, Denmark

Sponsored By
American Scandinavian Foundation of Thousand Oaks and CLU History Department


Anita Londgren
(805) 241-1051
