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National Day of Prayer Breakfast

Father Greg J. Boyle of Homeboy Industries

National Day of Prayer Breakfast

Father Greg Boyle has inspired and given hope to thousands of gang members and helped them leave their destructive life on the streets. He is an amazing leader who is tackling one of California’s most critical challenges – gang violence and at-risk youth. As founder and Chief Executive Officer of Homeboy Industries in downtown Los Angeles, Father Boyle is providing training, work experience, and an opportunity for rival gang members to work side by side. Homeboy Industries also provides mental health counseling, legal services, job counseling, and tattoo removal. This year marks the 21st anniversary of the work that Father Boyle began. Homeboy Industries is recognized as the largest gang intervention program in the country and has become a national model.

Invocators from different faiths will speak at the breakfast including Pastor Craig Beeker of Westlake Lutheran Church, Pastor Dave Crouse of Christian Church of the Hills, Pastor Elroi Reimnitz of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Oaks Christian School founder David Price and Bishop Roger Zierenberg, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Thousand Oaks Stake. California Lutheran University President Chris Kimball will be the master of ceremonies and the music will be provided by Joe Sikorra and his band.

Individual tickets are $15 and a table of 10 is $150. The price includes a full breakfast. For ticket information and reservations, contact Lori Kent at the number below.

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Lori Kent
(805) 497-3081 x103
