Arts | Lectures | Seminars | Gatherings

Networking Essentials for Graduate Students

Join us for this comprehensive hands-on seminar to help you add more strategies to your job or internship search. Learn how to approach people, what to say, and why follow-up is so important. You have heard the saying, “When it comes to getting a job (or an internship), it’s all about who you know.” Attending this seminar, is your first step in building your professional network, or for those who have a network, you can learn new ways to improve your communication.

This workshop will prepare students or alumni for various interactions with employers related to employment and career exploration. Learn to build a solid network of people who can act as references, write letters of recommendation, mentor you, and refer you to future opportunities. Topics will include: Creating your 30 second sound bite, how to find opportunities or events to attend, informational interviews, how to utilize professional organizations, how to use Linked-in, how to introduce yourself and introduce others, plus we will work in small groups to practice what we learn.

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Career Services


Tiffany O'Reilly
(805) 493-3200
