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Immaculée Ilibagiza: A Story of Faith and Forgiveness

Artists and Speakers Series

Immaculée Ilibagiza: A Story of Faith and Forgiveness

Immaculée Ilibagiza was born in Rwanda and trained as an electrical engineer. Her life was shattered in 1994 when the death of her country’s president sparked a slaughter of ethnic Tutsis by Hutu militia. Ilibagiza and seven other Tutsi women hid in a house for 91 days while nearly 1 million people, including most of her family, were killed.

Four years after the genocide, Ilibagiza moved to the United States and began working for the United Nations, establishing the Left to Tell Charitable Fund to help orphaned children in Africa. Ilibagiza has recounted her tale of survival and renewal to myriad audiences, and has been featured by BET, CNN, The New York Times, Newsday, People and 60 Minutes. She remains devoted to sharing with audiences the importance of faith, understanding and forgiveness.

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Artists and Speakers Committee


Eva Ramirez
