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Luther Lecture: "Climate Justice, Hope, and a Lutheran Ethic of Love Incarnate"

Prof. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda is the 2016 Luther Lecturer

Luther Lecture: "Climate Justice, Hope, and a Lutheran Ethic of Love Incarnate"

Humankind stands at a turning point in history. Either we continue on a fast track toward climate disaster or we harness human genius and creativity to forge a sustainable relationship between the human species and our planetary home.  The moral challenge is heightened by matters of climate justice:  those most vulnerable to the ravages of climate change are also the people least responsible for it. In this context, Earth’s religious traditions are called to plumb their depths, seeking wellsprings of moral vision, hope, and wisdom for building ecologically sound and socially just ways of living. Lutheran traditions are rich with such resources. One is the call to faith active in love that seeks justice. Another is the call to heed God’s presence “flowing and pouring through all things.” This lecture explores both as transformative Spirit-led invitations and gifts.

Professor Cynthia Moe-Lobeda is this year's Luther Lecturer.  This event is co-sponsored by the Karen Lebacqz Endowment Fund at the GTU.

Click here to register for the event.


9:00 am - Gathering with refreshments

9:30 am - Lecture with Q&A

11:00 am - Worship with lunch to follow

1:30 pm - Panel Discussion

Click here for a live video stream of the lecture and panel discussion.
