Arts | Lectures | Seminars | Gatherings

Creating a Pre-Recorded Lecture in Panopto (webinar)

Creating a Pre-Recorded Lecture in Panopto (webinar)

So you’ve heard about pre-recorded lectures. Now what? Join our Lecture Capture Specialist, Kaitlin Hodgdon, to get a walk-through on how to record your lectures using materials that are freely available to you at Cal Lutheran. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to churn out your lectures and post them online with just a few clicks! Please note that this time will allow for questions afterwards and one-on-one help during the workshop. Please use a laptop or computer that is equipped with a built-in webcam or a USB webcam.


Sponsored By
Center For Teaching and Learning


Kaitlin Hodgdon
(805) 493-3931
