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History of Psychology Symposia 2018

Answering the question: "What does it mean to be human?"

History of Psychology Symposia 2018

Students from the History of Psychology 340 course will present their semester projects as part of the 14th annual "CLU History of Psychology Symposia." Topics of the symposia include the accomplishments of famous early psychologists, such as Ivan Pavlov, Vladimir Bekhterev, Hugo Muensterberg, Kurt Lewin, Gordon Allport, John Bowlby, Martin Heidegger, Victor Frankl, Jean Piaget, and Magnus Hirschfeld. Famous disorders and historical approaches to psychology are also covered, such as Trauma Disorders and Shell Shock, Attachment Theory, Logotherapy, and Schizophrenia. For more information or to receive a complete program schedule, contact Dr. Diriwaechter:

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Department of Psychology


Rainer Diriwaechter
