Arts | Lectures | Seminars | Gatherings

GSOE Colleagues

Brown-bag-lunch seminar series

GSOE Colleagues

Michele Dean, lecturer and field placement director, will discuss the passage of Proposition 58 in 2016 and how this passage led to the development of the Global California 2030 Initiative. Implementing this policy and initiative will enhance our 21st-century perspective of the world, strengthen our respect for diversity, culture and languages, expand the teaching and learning of world languages and, most importantly for higher education, impact the development, education and training of all California teachers, school sites and district leaders. 

Join the Zoom meeting at: =TEVQRitYNkZmMFhzRGlZV3NPNGhldz09 

Meeting ID: 916 3148 0594

Passcode: 093043

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Center for Innovative Learning
