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It's in the Syllabus: A Syllabus Improvement Workshop

Special evening time so all faculty can attend!

It's in the Syllabus: A Syllabus Improvement Workshop


All part- and full-time faculty welcome! 

Are you unsure about what to put in your syllabus? Join Cia DeMartino, director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, to learn about what should be in your syllabus and why. We will also walk you through some decisions you’ll have to make, such as the attendance policy, to help you find what works best for you and your class. If you attend the event, you will get an “It’s in the Syllabus!” T-shirt in the size of your choice! Bring two copies of your syllabus on paper. Refreshments will be served.

Space is limited. RSVP today! The event takes place in SBET 136 and runs 5:30-6:30 p.m.


Sponsored By
Center for Teaching and Learning


Cynthia DeMartino
