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High performance with well-being: Fulfill your mission without burnout

High performance with well-being: Fulfill your mission without burnout

Participants will be invited to help guide session content through a pre-workshop survey. During the session, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about evidenced-based tools and frameworks and participate in experiential learning.

Session participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of multidimensional well-being and why it can be strategically leveraged for the nonprofit workplace
  • Learn the ins and outs of recovery (i.e., not working outside work time): the different types, how it impacts work outcomes, and how to use it to your and your organization's advantage
  • Understand why nonprofit workers are especially prone to the recovery paradox (i.e., those who need recovery the most, do it the least) and how to prevent it
  • Explore actionable steps around the four types of burnout and the unique strategy needed to recover from each one

Facilitated by Dr. Réka Anna Lassu, an assistant professor of Organizational Behavior at Pepperdine University. Her research focuses on leadership and well-being. She collaborates with companies across industries (e.g., nonprofit, healthcare) on projects that both enhance organizational effectiveness and advance management science. 

The instructor will host office hours via Zoom for class participants.

There is no fee for Center for Nonprofit Leadership members, $55 for nonmembers.

Click here to learn more about the Center for Nonprofit Leadership.


Register by Oct. 18

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Center For Nonprofit Leadership


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